Thursday, 23 June 2011

Almond Victoria Sponge Cake

The Victoria Sponge Cake was named
 after Queen Victoria, it is often referred to
 as a sponge cake.

 A traditional Victoria sponge cake
 consist of a filling of raspberry jam and
 whipped double cream, also a traditional 
Victoria sponge cake is not iced or decorated.

This cake is sort of a mesh between a Bake-well Tart and a Victoria Sponge Cake

Self Raising Flour
Caster Sugar
Unsalted Butter
Baking Powder
Almond Extract
Filling + Decoration

Raspberry Jam
Unsalted Butter
Icing Sugar
Almond extract
Amaretto liquer to taste.
Flaked Almonds to decorate

  1. Pre-heat your oven to 190°C and Prepare two 18inch Circular Baking tins by greasing with butter and lining with grease proof paper.
  2. Cream together the Butter and the caster sugar together and add the Almond Extract until light, Fluffy and creamy.
  3. Whisk the eggs and add them slowly to to the butter and sugar. (if it starts to curdle then add a spoonful of flour to the mixture.
  4. Sift the flour and baking flour into the mixture and stir.
  5. Divide the mixture into the two tins and place into the centre of the oven
  6. leave to cook for 25mins until the cake is golden brown
  7. when the cake is cooked take out and leave to cool down.
  8. Cream together the icing sugar, butter, Almond extract and liqueur.
  9. Add a layer of jam onto one of the cakes and then add the Creamed Butter and sugar mixture. The cream can be piped or applied with a palette knife.
  10. Put the other cake layer on top of the the cream and jam layer.
  11. Finish by sprinkling flaked almonds on top and then sift some icing sugar on top of it.

    Chocolate Cake
    For a chocolate sponge instead of having  
    200g of flour use 180g of Flour and
    30g of cocoa powder and for the filling
    Omit the Jam and use 250g with 30g of
    Cocoa powder. 

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